What to Eat Before and After Exercise?

What to Eat Before and After Exercise? 运动前后吃什么更合适?
Eating the right foods before and after exercise is crucial for enhancing performance and recovery. A balanced intake of carbohydrates, protein, and healthy fats can help you stay energized during your workout and recover effectively afterward. Here are some recommendations:
Pre-Workout Nutrition 运动前饮食
Before exercising, it’s important to consume enough energy, focusing on carbohydrates and moderate protein. Carbohydrates provide quick energy, while protein helps protect muscles.

Best timing: 30 minutes to 2 hours before exercise.
最佳时间: 运动前30分钟到2小时。
Carbohydrates (complex carbs preferred): Oats, whole grain bread, brown rice, sweet potatoes, bananas.
Protein: Eggs, Greek yogurt, protein shakes, chicken breast, beans.
蛋白质: 鸡蛋、希腊酸奶、蛋白质奶昔、鸡胸肉、豆类。
Healthy fats (in small amounts): Nuts, avocado.
健康脂肪(少量): 坚果、牛油果。
Pre-Workout Meal Ideas 运动前餐建议:
Whole grain bread + eggs: Ideal for long-lasting energy.
全麦面包 + 鸡蛋:适合提供长时间的能量。
Banana + nut butter: Rich in quickly absorbed carbs and healthy fats.
香蕉 + 坚果黄油:富含快速吸收的碳水化合物和健康脂肪。
Oatmeal + fruits + almonds: High in fiber carbs with a small amount of healthy fats.
燕麦片 + 水果 + 杏仁:富含纤维的碳水化合物和少量的健康脂肪。

Post-Workout Nutrition 运动后饮食
After exercise, it’s important to replenish energy and repair muscles with protein and carbohydrates. Carbohydrates help restore glycogen levels, while protein aids muscle repair and growth.
Best timing: 30 minutes to 1 hour after exercise.
最佳时间: 运动后30分钟到1小时。
Protein: Lean meats (chicken, fish, beef), protein powder, eggs, tofu, whey protein.
蛋白质: 瘦肉(鸡肉、鱼肉、牛肉)、蛋白质粉、鸡蛋、豆腐、乳清蛋白。
Carbohydrates: Vegetables, fruits, brown rice, quinoa, whole grain pasta.
碳水化合物: 蔬菜、水果、糙米、藜麦、全麦面食。
Hydration: Replenishing with plenty of water or electrolyte drinks is important, especially after heavy sweating.
水分: 补充足够的水分或电解质饮料非常重要,特别是在大量出汗后。
Post-Workout Meal Ideas运动后餐建议:
Chicken breast + brown rice + vegetables: Provides high-quality protein and slow-releasing carbohydrates.
鸡胸肉 + 糙米 + 蔬菜:提供高质量的蛋白质和慢释放的碳水化合物。
Salmon + sweet potatoes: Rich in quality protein and antioxidants, aiding recovery.
三文鱼 + 甜土豆:富含优质蛋白质和抗氧化物质,有助于恢复。
Protein shake + banana: Ideal for quickly replenishing protein and carbs.
蛋白质奶昔 + 香蕉:适合快速补充蛋白质和碳水化合物。
Before exercise, focus on consuming carbohydrates and moderate protein to provide energy and protect muscles.
运动前,侧重于补充碳水化合物和适量蛋白质,提供能量并保护肌肉。 -
After exercise, prioritize protein and carbohydrates to help repair muscles and restore energy.
These suggestions can be adjusted based on your individual needs and the type of exercise, ensuring the meal plan suits your body and workout goals.